Email Marketing Made Simple

Most of our veterinary practices have used auto-email campaigns for educational information and reminders. Since “open” rates and “click-thru” rates are typically low for generic content though, it leaves your clients wanting more!

So how can you connect with your clients in a personal way via email when you’re busy running your practice?

We’ve got you! SDTS is now offering email marketing in an unprecedented way.

We’ll provide your clients with the kind of content they really want — content that’s all about YOUR practice and YOUR patients.

As part of our Simply Done Marketing package, we’ll send a monthly email out that is:

Uniquely branded to your practice
Includes pictures of YOUR staff and patients
Has content that drives traffic to your website

We’ll incorporate “plugs” on your website so visitors can subscribe to your newsletter, and we’ll even update and manage your email contacts because… we know you don’t have time for that!

To learn more about this and the other benefits of our tiered services, we recommend that you take a look at our Simply Done Marketing page or contact us today.

Email Marketing for Veterinarians

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Contact Simply Done Tech Solutions and gain the competitive advantage you need to compete both on and offline!