Simply Done #VetMed Marketing Insights

Hello veterinary friends! This month I want to cue you in on some recent social media changes, as well as a couple of tips that I hope you find useful.

So what does that mean: “Double AI”? Let’s use TikTok as an example. Its algorithm is based on consumer interest, not on people engaging with each other. This is why TikTok is not technically considered “social media”. It’s more like a TV channel or Netflix, where the most popular content wins. Facebook and Instagram have taken notice and are shifting to that same model. The bad news is that “canned” content and uninspiring photos will now perform worse than ever. The GOOD news is that if your content is valuable and presented in an entertaining way, you’ll get plenty of visibility–possibly more!

The bounce rate for your veterinary website is one way to determine trouble areas that might need improvement. If people are backing out of your site immediately, there’s an issue. If you need help figuring out what that issue is, let us know and we can take a peek for you.

Not posting on Twitter these days? Here’s an up-and-coming alternative. Be sure to claim your practice name as soon as you can, even if you don’t plan on posting regularly.

While consulting practices on their social media, we often get asked what kind of content is best for stories (versus the newsfeed). As a general rule of thumb, anything that feels “in the now” makes a great story. So seasonal greetings or pet holidays, time-sensitive days like birthdays, behind the scene moments–the point is to make your existing followers feel like they’re having an ongoing conversation with you. Leave the “evergreen” content that has longevity for your newsfeed.

There’s not much to add to this update, other than Yay! One less workaround step for you if you’ve been using Linktree, so you can focus more on more important things–like running your practice! Ideas for links to add to your profile: appointment booking, about us, other social medias, etc.

Here’s something that comes up quite a bit in our Fetch-A-Vet recruitment program where we help practices overhaul their recruitment marketing messages. Make sure you stand out in your advert by giving concrete examples of how you help your team achieve work/life balance.

June 2023: Simply Done #VetMed Marketing Insights

Hello veterinary friends! This month I want to cue you in on some recent social media changes, as well as a couple of tips that I hope you find useful.

So what does that mean: “Double AI”? Let’s use TikTok as an example. Its algorithm is based on consumer interest, not on people engaging with each other. This is why TikTok is not technically considered “social media”. It’s more like a TV channel or Netflix, where the most popular content wins. Facebook and Instagram have taken notice and are shifting to that same model. The bad news is that “canned” content and uninspiring photos will now perform worse than ever. The GOOD news is that if your content is valuable and presented in an entertaining way, you’ll get plenty of visibility–possibly more!

The bounce rate for your veterinary website is one way to determine trouble areas that might need improvement. If people are backing out of your site immediately, there’s an issue. If you need help figuring out what that issue is, let us know and we can take a peek for you.

Not posting on Twitter these days? Here’s an up-and-coming alternative. Be sure to claim your practice name as soon as you can, even if you don’t plan on posting regularly.

While consulting practices on their social media, we often get asked what kind of content is best for stories (versus the newsfeed). As a general rule of thumb, anything that feels “in the now” makes a great story. So seasonal greetings or pet holidays, time-sensitive days like birthdays, behind the scene moments–the point is to make your existing followers feel like they’re having an ongoing conversation with you. Leave the “evergreen” content that has longevity for your newsfeed.

There’s not much to add to this update, other than Yay! One less workaround step for you if you’ve been using Linktree, so you can focus more on more important things–like running your practice! Ideas for links to add to your profile: appointment booking, about us, other social medias, etc.

Here’s something that comes up quite a bit in our Fetch-A-Vet recruitment program where we help practices overhaul their recruitment marketing messages. Make sure you stand out in your advert by giving concrete examples of how you help your team achieve work/life balance.